Custom Import Overview

The Custom Import Tool gives SalesNOW users the ability to import not only their standard data, but also any custom fields.

Before performing a custom import it is important to consider the following steps:

Step 1: Identify fields that are needed and create necessary Custom Fields in SalesNOW

The custom import tool allows the user to import custom data into their SalesNOW account, however before this can happen the user must first create new custom fields in their Web account for the data to be placed under. To give an example, let’s say that the user is attempting to import all of their leads from an Excel spreadsheet to SalesNOW. In this case, let us assume that there is a column in this leads excel document titled “Internal ID #”, which is a field that absolutely needs to be brought into SalesNOW. If the user does not create a new custom field titled “Internal ID#” (or at least something they can identify) on their web account, this data will have nowhere to go. Instead, before any importing can occur, the user must first identify all of the custom fields that they wish to bring in to SalesNOW, and create these new custom fields beforehand.

Step 2: Create Easily Identifiable Titles for Records in Excel

During the import, the name of each column in the spreadsheet will be viewable from the custom import via a drop-down list. Every single cell that has been filled in the first row will appear as the title for the column. To give an example if Cells A1, B1, and C1 are titled First Name, Last Name, and Company Name respectively, the data can be easily associated with the specific fields. It is important to make sure that the Cells in the Row 1 are specific and will give the user a clear idea of their intended location.

Step 3: Ensure that all the mandatory fields are present

For the data to be taken through the import process and brought into a SalesNOW account, the system requires that the username of the of the intended import recipient. To give an example if under owner email the user puts , and this address is a recognized SalesNOW address, it can be confirmed that the data will be imported into John’s account.

The username is mandatory for every record you intend to bring into SalesNOW, however there are other mandatory fields which are specific to certain record types. For example each Contact requires a Last Name, and each Company requires a Company Name.