Forwarding Records

To save time when communicating about leads or deals that you are working on, SalesNOW provides the option to forward the details of a lead of deal record in an email.

To forward a deal, for example, click on the Deals tab, and do the following:

  1. Highlight the deal record that you would like to forward, such as the ABC Manufacturing Deal, and click the MENU button

  2. Highlight Forward ABC Manufacturing Deal and click the trackball

  3. Select the contact to whom you would like to send the email and click the trackball

  4. If you like, type a message within the email body

  5. Click the trackball and select Send to send the email

Note: The default email recipient option available within the Forwarding Records feature is the BlackBerry Address Book. To forward a record to a SalesNOW contact, click Escape and then click the Menu button and select a SalesNOW recipient.