Logging In

To login to your SalesNOW Web account, open your Internet browser and enter the URL www.salesnow.com. The system will prompt you for your EMAIL and your PASSWORD. Type your email address that is associated with your SalesNOW account in the EMAIL field. Next, type your password in the PASSWORD field. Click the SUBMIT button to login.

If you would like to have the system to remember your EMAIL to save time on future login attempts, simply check the box Remember me on this computer

If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password? link. The system will prompt you to enter your EMAIL to send you an email with instructions to reset your password. After you've typed in your email address on your SalesNOW account, click the Reset Password button.

Note: If your SalesNOW web session is inactive for a period of time, the system will automatically log you out for security reasons. Simply log back in to regain access.