BlackBerry Administration

Within SalesNOW data synchronizes between each user's SalesNOW WEB account and their SalesNOW BlackBerry account. When a SalesNOW user adds a new record or edits a record within SalesNOW on the Web, those changes are automatically updated within the user's SalesNOW BlackBerry account when one of three things occurs:

  1. When the user logs in to SalesNOW on their BlackBerry

  2. The user forces a manual synchronization between SalesNOW on the BlackBerry and the SalesNOW website.

  3.  The system auto-synchronizes based on the Administrator settings set within this BlackBerry Administration area

By creating the auto-synchronization settings in this area, the SalesNOW Administrator can force all their user's SalesNOW BlackBerry accounts to synchronize with their SalesNOW WEB accounts at specific timed intervals. To enable auto-synchronization, follow these steps:

  1. Click Setup | BlackBerry Administration |

  2. Click the box Enabled

  3. Select the daily start time for synchronization

  4. Select the Sync interval

  5. Click save

Note: If your BlackBerry is not in radio coverage or the signal strength is low, the SalesNOW BlackBerry system will automatically send your updates to your SalesNOW Web account once you return to radio coverage

See Also:

Synchronizing Data