Creating New Deals

To create a new deal record, follow these steps:

  1. Tap Deals on the tab bar.
  2. Tap the MENU button, followed by Add New.
  3. Enter the deal information. (See Creating Records)
  4. To associate the deal to a specific contact, tap the Contact field and either:
    1. Select an existing contact by tapping the contact name to which you would like to associate. (Note: if the contact is associated with a company, that company will automatically be associated to the deal as well.)
    2. Add a new contact by tapping the +and entering the contact information and then tapping Save
  5. Enter any custom information related to the deal. (Note: the custom fields will not appear if there are no custom fields that have been added on the deal document by your SalesNOW Administrator. Once the custom information has been added, the custom information will appear within the custom sub-tab.)
  6. Once you have completed entering all of the data into the deal record, tap Save to save this new deal record.

Note: If you do not see the Deals tab within SalesNOW, ask your SalesNOW Administrator to turn on the deals module within your SalesNOW environment. See Turning On/Off Modules.

See Also:

Creating Records

Viewing and Editing Records

Deleting Records

Restoring Deleted Records

Managing Records