Data Backup

SalesNOW provides a Data Backup tool to allow you to backup your SalesNOW data locally on your BlackBerry device. This feature is especially beneficial in cases where you are upgrading your BlackBerry device as you can backup your SalesNOW data to your optional BlackBerry SD Memory Card and restore the data directly to your new BlackBerry device. This can save a substantial amount of time as well data charges during data refresh.

To backup your SalesNOW data, do the following: 

  1. In the main tab menu or within any main tab click the Menu button and select Options

  2. Highlight Data Backup and click the trackball

  3. If you would like to Encrypt your backup data, highlight the Use Encryption box and click the trackball and then enter your encryption password twice

  4. Click Backup, to begin the data backup

  5. To restore data previously backed up, follow steps #1 and#2, and click Restore (if you have encrypted the backup, you will need to enter your encryption password prior to clicking restore)

Note: The system will automatically display the data and time of a successful data back-up, next to the data restore option so that you know when the data backup occurred.

See Also:

Refresh All Data