Searching Records - Advanced

To perform an advanced search of records in SalesNOW, start by clicking on the appropriate tab - such as Contacts, Companies, Leads or Deals - to display the list of records.

The advanced search options vary based on the type of record selected:

To perform an advanced search for deals that are expected to close within the next two months and with a probability of between 81 - 100%, for example, click on the Deals tab. To perform this advanced search, follow these steps:

  1. Click advanced search at the top right of the deals list

  2. Enter the search criteria

  3. Click search and the search results will appear below

  4. To close the advanced search window, click basic search

Note: You can also include custom fields in an advanced search by clicking show custom fields in the advanced search window and entering any additional search criteria

See Also:

Searching Records - Basic