Companies Overview

Company records in SalesNOW store information about relationships that you have with organizations that would like to track. These Company records may include customers, business partners and even competitors.

Company records in SalesNOW store a variety of information. The General Information is stored within the main body of the record and can be viewed by tapping Show details. To edit the record's General Information, tap Edit at the top right of the screen, next tap the field that you want to edit. Make your change(s) and tap Save to save your changes.

The company record stores a variety of information, each separated by a purple title bar, including:

Note: To display information contained below a specific purple title bar such as deals, click show at the top right of the title bar. Similarly, to hide information contained below a specific purple title bar, click hide at the top right of the bar.

See Also:

Creating New Companies

Importing Contacts/Companies

Customizing SalesNOW

Secondary Record Ownership