Companies Overview

Company records in SalesNOW store information about relationships that you have with organizations that would like to track. These Company records may include customers, business partners and even competitors.

Companies can be entered manually, as described in the next section Creating New Companies, or your SalesNOW administrator can import Companies directly into the system (see Importing Contacts/Companies).

The company record stores a variety of information, each separated by sub-tabs. When you open a company record, the General sub-tab opens by default. To move to a different sub-tab, click the Escape key. Notice that the General sub-tab will change in color from white to orange. To move to a different sub-tab, scroll left or right and click the trackball to enter into a different sub-tab section. The sub-tabs within the company record are:

This section describes how to work with your companies in a number of ways:

See Also:

Creating New Companies 

Creating New Deals from a Company

Get Map for a Company