Scheduling Meetings

Meetings with your clients and prospects can be scheduled within SalesNOW on your BlackBerry. These scheduled meetings will be synchronized with SalesNOW on the WEB and your BlackBerry calendar (see Synchronizing Data). If you've invited a contact as an attendee on the meeting, they will also receive a BlackBerry invitation to join you at the meeting.

SalesNOW also allows you to schedule SalesNOW meetings directly from your BlackBerry calendar. For more information, see Scheduling SalesNOW Meetings from BlackBerry Calendar.

To schedule a meeting within SalesNOW on the BlackBerry, follow these steps:

  1. In the main tab menu highlight the Meetings tab and click the trackball.

  2. Click the menu button and select Schedule Meeting.

  3. Enter the meeting's information. Type the subject of the meeting in the mandatory Subject field. Scroll the trackball to the next field that you would like to complete.

  4. To associate the meeting to a specific contact,

    1. Select an existing contact by clicking the magnifying glass image\ebx_-752130004.gif next to the contact field and clicking on the contact name to which you would like to associate. (Note: if the contact is associated with a company, that company will automatically be associated to the meeting as well.)

    2. Add a new contact by clicking the green plus sign image\ebx_-580437850.gifand entering the contact information, pressing the Escape key and clicking Save

  5. To invite the contact as an attendee for the meeting, click the menu button and select Invite SalesNOW Attendee. Notice that you can only select contacts that have an email address stored on their contact record (as the invitation will be emailed to the contact). If the contact that you selected (in step #4 above) has an email address stored on their contact record, the system will prompt you whether or not you would like to Invite Contact as Attendee? If you respond Yes, the system will automatically input the contact's email address within the Attendee field.

  6. To associate the meeting to a specific company,

    1. Select an existing company by clicking the magnifying glass image\ebx_-752130004.gif and clicking on the company name to which you would like to associate

    2. Add a new company by clicking the green plus sign image\ebx_-580437850.gifand entering the company information, pressing the Escape key and clicking Save

  7. To associate the meeting to a specific lead or deal,

    1. Select an existing lead/deal by clicking the magnifying glass image\ebx_-752130004.gif and click on either the Leads or Deals sub-tab.

    2. Click on the lead/deal name to which you would like to associate. By default, the system displays only the leads/deals that are associated with that contact or company. If you would like to remove that filter, click on the menu button and select Show All.

  8. Enter the meeting location.

  9. Select the meeting type, status, priority, and date/time/duration of the meeting. Also, by setting the reminder time to 15 minutes for example - once the meeting has been synchronized to your BlackBerry Calendar you will automatically receive a reminder for the meeting 15 minutes prior to the meeting on your BlackBerry.

  10. Enter the meeting notes. There are two notes fields. The first notes field, Public Calendar Notes*, stores notes that will be included on the BlackBerry invitation email that will be sent to any attendees that you may have invited to join you on the meeting (in step #5 above). The Confidential Notes field stores private notes that will not be send to attendees.

  11. Enter any custom information related to the meeting. (Note: custom fields will not appear if there are no custom fields that have been added on the meeting document by your SalesNOW Administrator. See Customizing SalesNOW)

  12. Once you have completed entering all of the data into the record, click Escape to choose one of three options:

    1. Save to save this new scheduled meeting

    2. Discard to not save this new scheduled meeting

    3. Cancel to continue working on this new scheduled meeting

Note: Meetings can be scheduled directly from a Contact, Company, Lead or Deal record. Simply highlight the contact, company, lead or deal record, click the menu button and click Schedule Meeting.

See Also:

Creating Meeting Logs

Synchronizing Data

Creating New Records

Viewing and Editing Records

Deleting Records

Restoring Deleted Records

Managing Records